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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Prehistoric Scraper? or just a core?

Fits the hand, so makes one wonder.....could it have been a scraper?

Very crude. The flakes could have been for making arrowheads which would then mean that this is just a core. However, it may also have been that a tool was needed quickly and this is the result. 

Prehistoric Hohokam Doughnut Rock

One of the largest Hohokam (A.D. 750-1450) doughnut rocks we have seen at approximately 6 1/2" in diameter. 

Bottom of the Bottle

Such an awesome find - just having the bottom is cool! 

Embossed 1846

As it is broken, only part of the side can be read: 's Extract

Just typing into Google search "1846" "Extract" "Bottle" and quick answer was found. It is a Pond's Extract Bottle and was used for sunburn. Only fitting that it was found in the Arizona Desert. 

Tile Work

Learning to do as much for myself as possible. Here a friend told me the professional tiler's recommendation for product and application. Sealer's Choice Gold is available at Home Depot, and though much more expensive than other products on the market, I am told it is well worth it.  For applying I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and got a Color Applicator bottle. After filling it with the sealer, I was going to town on the grout and in no time had my kitchen sealed! 

Native Gardens

It is absolutely amazing the amount of indigenous cultivated and wild foods that are available to those seeking the knowledge of the Sonoran Desert secrets. Not only did the Native Peoples grow and harvest food for cooking and medicinal herbs, but also plants for use as containers, rattles, utensils, basketry materials, and fibers.

O'odham farms grow huun, a corn that fully matures within 60 days, and bav, a very high in protein bean also known as the Tepary. With the sharing of their seeds and knowledge, huun has been grownn as far away as the Artic Circle, where a Norwegian researcher was searching for a short growing season corn. Tepary beans are now generating high yields to feed people in Australia and Africa. 

What to plant:

Devil's Claw
Mexican Tarragon
Mexican Oregano

Mineral Specimen - Petrified Wood

This specimen has Amethyst Crystal inclusions, location of origin unknown.

Fossilized branch, location of origin unknown.

Mineral Specimen - Vanadinite

The above Vanadinite Specimens are from Miblan, Morocco.

Self Sustainable Living - Seed Germination Experimenting

Macadamia (macadamia integrifolia)

Cashew (anacardium occidentale)

Canary Island Date Palm (phoenix canariensis)

Okay, I will be the first to admit that this may be a huge waste of time.  First of all I have no idea how long I have had these seeds in storage. With good intentions I purchased these seeds, the cashew & macadamia from Whatcom Seed Co. ( and the date palm ( and thought I would immediately plant them. This seems like eons ago as it was before we moved and I cannot remember the year of purchase and like an idiot the date was not documented on the packages before I put them into storage. After some internet research I decided to put all the seeds into water and soak them for 48 hours. 

Date Palm


This experiment started on 05/14/2015
as of 06/27/2015 done of the seeds have signs of growth.